Image popups on mouse over in Jupyter Notebooks

Animation below speaks for itself : )

Finally put together a script which makes jupyter notebooks plots interactive, such that when hovering over a scatter point plot, the underlying image displays, see demo + code below:

Very useful when looking at e.g. embeddings.
If the dataset is too large to store in memory, line 70 can be replaced with a real-time load command



Code is available here:

HistoQC: An open-source quality control tool for digital pathology slides



Our paper is out in: Journal of Clinical Oncology: Clinical Cancer Informatics

Purpose: Digital pathology (DP), referring to the digitization of tissue slides, is beginning to change the landscape of clinical diagnostic workflows and has engendered active research within the area of computational pathology. One of the challenges in DP is the presence of artifacts and batch effects; unintentionally introduced during both routine slide preparation (e.g., staining, tissue folding, etc.) as well as digitization (e.g., blurriness, variations in contrast and hue). Manual review of glass and digital slides is laborious, qualitative, and subject to intra/inter-reader variability. There is thus a critical need for a reproducible automated approach of precisely localizing artifacts in order to identify slides which need to be reproduced or regions which should be avoided during computational analysis.

Continue reading HistoQC: An open-source quality control tool for digital pathology slides

Visualizing DenseNet Using PyTorch

Deep learning (DL) models have been performing exceptionally well on a number of challenging tasks lately. Unfortunately, given the current blackbox nature of these DL models, it is difficult to try and “understand” what the network is seeing and how it is making its decisions. Building upon our previous post discussing how to train a DenseNet for classification, we discuss here how to apply various visualization techniques to enable us to interrogate the network. The code here is designed as drop-in functionality for any network trained using the previous post, hopefully easing the burden of its implementation.

Continue reading Visualizing DenseNet Using PyTorch

Digital pathology classification using Pytorch + Densenet

In this blog post, we discuss how to train a DenseNet style deep learning classifier, using Pytorch, for differentiating between different types of lymphoma cancer. This post and code are based on the post discussing segmentation using U-Net and is thus broken down into the same 4 components:

  1. Making training/testing databases,
  2. Training a model,
  3. Visualizing results in the validation set,
  4. Generating output.

Continue reading Digital pathology classification using Pytorch + Densenet

Digital Pathology Segmentation using Pytorch + Unet

In this blog post, we discuss how to train a U-net style deep learning classifier, using Pytorch, for segmenting epithelium versus stroma regions. This post is broken down into 4 components following along other pipeline approaches we’ve discussed in the past:

  1. Making training/testing databases,
  2. Training a model,
  3. Visualizing results in the validation set,
  4. Generating output.

This model focuses on using solely Python and freely available tools (i.e., no matlab).

This blog post assumes moderate knowledge of convolutional neural networks, depending on the readers background, our JPI paper may be sufficient, or a more thorough resource such as Andrew NG’s deep learning course.

Continue reading Digital Pathology Segmentation using Pytorch + Unet

Download TCGA Digital Pathology Images (FFPE)

Digital pathology image analysis requires high quality input images. While there are a large number of images available in The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA), the ones which are currently available in the data portal are frozen specimens and are *not* suitable for computational analysis. This post discusses how to download the Formalin-Fixed Paraffin-Embedded (FFPE) slides for corresponding patients.

Continue reading Download TCGA Digital Pathology Images (FFPE)

Using Matlab, Pytables (hdf5) and (a bit of) Pytorch

As we’re testing out for migration to new deep learning frameworks, one of the questions that remained was dataset interoperability. Essentially, we want to be able to create a dataset for training a deep learning framework from as many applications as possible (python, matlab, R, etc), so that our students can use a language that are familiar to them, as well as leverage all of the existing in-house code we have for data manipulation.

Continue reading Using Matlab, Pytables (hdf5) and (a bit of) Pytorch

Notes on Transfer Learning in Caffe

This is a very straightforward practical approach:

One trick I’ve learned from somewhere (can’t find the link, unfortunately), which is a break from the above tutorial, is to simply reduce the base learning rate by an order of magnitude when transferring, while simultaneously seting the “new” layers to have their lr_mult an order of magnitude higher than the rest of the network

so, to initially train:

  1. learning rate =.01
  2. each layer's lr_rate = 1

to transfer learn:

  1. learning rate = .001
  2. each previous layer's lr_rate = 1
  3. new layers lr_rate = 10

This saves a lot of editing of the files and allows for small amounts of adjustment to existing layers, while focusing the bulk of the learning on the newer layers, yet still resisting to overfitting small datasets.

This is pretty informative:
And I think this is the original TL paper as far as I remember:

On Stain Normalization in Deep Learning

Just wanted to take a moment and share some quick stain normalization type experimental results. We have a trained in-house nuclei segmentation model which works fairly well when the test images have similar stain presentation properties, but when new datasets arrive which are notably different we tend to see a decreased classifier performance.

Here we look at one of these images and ways of improving classifier robustness.

Continue reading On Stain Normalization in Deep Learning